What is your BMI? - Calulate it easily here with our BMI Calculator!
Calculate you BMI
What is BMI?
Body Mass Index (BMI) is a measurement of a person’s body mass in relation to the squared value of his/her height. Body Mass Index (BMI) is also a value that indicates whether you are overweight, underweight or an ideal weight. Body Mass Index (BMI) can be calculated using a simple formula: Body weight in kilograms divided by the squared height in meters.
Body Mass Index (BMI) does not take into account an above average amount of muscle mass in your body. By having many trained muscles, the ideal/normal weight of your body may be higher.
This BMI calculator is not suitable for calculating the BMI of children or adolescents. To calculate the Body Mass Index (BMI) of children and adolescents, please visit the Bundeszentrale für gesundheitliche Aufklärung [Federal Center for Health Information].
You can find additional information about Body Mass Index (BMI) as well as its advantages and disadvantages on Wikipedia.
BMI Table (Classification per the DGE [Association for Nutrition]) | ||
Category | Male | Female |
Underweight | Less than 20 | Less than 19 |
Normal weight | 20 – 24.9 | 19 – 23.9 |
Overweight | 25 – 29.9 | 24 – 29.9 |
Extremely overweight (Grade I obesity) | 30 – 34.9 | 30 – 34.9 |
Grade II obesity | 35 – 39.9 | 35 – 39.9 |
Grade III obesity | 40 or more | 40 or more |
The result of a bmi calculation can render you as severely overweighted. A good diet or a diet plan can reduce your weight! But even with light or normal weight, a good fitness plan can help you feel better.